Monday, 2 February 2009


Aku telah ditag oelh membe lama, bashir. Pasala barang-barang Israel dan sekutunya yang diboikot. Aku mintak maaf sebab da lame tak update blog. Sejak kebelakangan ni aku rase amat-amat malas untuk menaip walaupun aku bukak blog ni hari-hari time kat umah. So, sekarang aku selesaikan tag ko bashir:)

Here's what we should do. It's simple:
List down 5 of the products from the list below that you are boycotting,
and then list down 5 of the products that you will try your best to boycott,
and finally list another 5 of the products that you find it hard to boycott,
and tag 5 others.

This tag is to get everyone to read the list below carefully and identify which products affects your life and the lives of the Palestinians most! You can also compare your list with your friends and see : if they can boycott one product that you haven't been boycotting, why can't you start to boycott the product too?

5 products i'm boycotting :
1. Kotex(tak gune pun...haha)
2. Intel
3. Starbucks
4. Nokia
5. Revlon(tak gune jugak!)

5 products i will start to boycott (inshaAllah) :
1. Kit kat
2. Ambi Pur
3. Kiwi
4. Sanex
5. Timberland

5 products that i find hard to boycott (astaghfirullaah) :
1. Mc D, KFC
2. Nestle
3. Arsenal
4. Coke
5. Disney

1 ◄ cOmment(s):

aku melayu..? said...


nie 1 lg isu.. usaha utk memboikot yahudi atau nama civilization die Israel. sje nk berkongsi pengalaman. bru2 ad bdk ckp dgn aku "wat apelah kte nk boikot yahudi, dlu nabi pnh kne boikot dgn yahudi tp adakah nabi blas balik? nabi xpnh boikot yahudi bahkan nabi trus berdakwah dgn mereka" kalo difikirkan dr 1 aspek btol gak ckp bdk nie tp kite harus ingat peperangan sekrang bkn lg mengunakan pedang dan bkn lgi menggunakan senapang tetapi kite berperang menggunakan ekonomi. ekonomi leh wat negara 2 maju atau jatuh. jd kita anggap jela dengan memboikot brg yahudi nie kita telah berperang dgn yahudi sec tdk lgsg membawa kpd erti jihad.. umat islam xmati kot kalo xmkn kfc or mcD cme myb la umat Islam akan hilang gaya dan style barat yg menjadi kebanggaan kite 2 dlm bahasa canggihnya hedonisme. (juz opinion dr aku) haha

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